Black Belt

Black Belt For Tour Guides is a reflection of the past and hope of the future. It is a great read for the novice guide as well as the ones that have been around since the dinosaurs roamed mother earth. The book gives great advice and can be used as educational purpose. It is full of stories from the front line and how travelers behave. Hopefully it will give the reader a few roaring laughs and reflective thoughts.

It is a great present for worried parents and those friends that think guiding is not a proper occupation.

These 172 pages is a result of notes scribbled on backsides of napkins and years on the road.

I hope this bible will help you when facing strange situations and general touristic mayhem. I wish you the great adventure and many laughs as you pave your own road to great success.

The cost is roughly as much as a bad gyro and a couple of cold ones. Shipping world wide.

Sincerely Mattias Andersson


We all have stories to tell and adventures to take part in. Below are just a few words about the book Black Belt For Tour Guides.

Read some of the chapters

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